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WienerJosephSi.jpg (22998 bytes)  This is a picture of Joseph Wiener, with Simon. ? My husband's family came from Bohemia and settled in Oshkosh.  Joseph Wiener married Antonio Sommers on 12 September 1886 at St. Vincent's. From the collection of Dorothy Wiener
Joseph Wiener     From the collection of Dorothy Wiener
Antonio with children: Frank, Simon, John, Joseph 1909 Taken after Joseph Sr. died 4 October 1909 . From the collection of Dorothy Wiener


Antonio Sommers, born 24 June 1850, Hedwig Sommers, born 6 December 1862, daughters of Raimund born in Klafterstasse and Katherina Meisl Sommers born in Neuthal #4 on 25 March 1812, died 13 October 1897 in Oshkosh, WI


Hedwig was born in Ceske Zleby , Bohemia and married Isadore “Dorie” Riedl before coming to the States. Antonio, born Neuthal (Nove Udoly) #7, Austria married Joseph Wiener 11 September 1886 in Oshkosh, WI.


Antonio is buried in Riverside Cemetery as is Katherina.


Raimund Sommers, Antonio and Hedwig’s father, came from Klafterstasse, Wegscheid , Bavaria .  I have a “work book” of Hedwig’s as she moved around working in her homeland.


Other Sommers children are Joseph, Barbara and Friedrich of whom I have no knowledge.


Raimund Sommers’ father is Raimund Sommers.  His mother is Theresia Wagner. Katherina Meisl’s father is Johann Meisl and her mother is Katherina Herbst from Humwald (Chlum).


Any more information would be greatly appreciated.

Joseph Wiener born 9 March 1853 in Zbytiny.  Father: Eustache Wiener, weaver in Brentenberg house number 46, legal son of Franz Wiener, small farmer in Brentenberg 46, and his wife Johanna nee WeiB from Brentenberg 47

Mother: Franziska, legal daughter of Mathias Neuwirth, tenant in Unterschneedorf house number___ , and his wife Elisabeth nee Jungwirth from Unterschneedorf 28.

Godfather:  Johann Michael Andruschka, Brentenberg 46.

Dorothy F Wiener
Climbing Our Family Tree


Contact: Peter Kinderman
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