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The corner grocery was an important part of the neighborhood. This is where most people got their daily news because the storekeeper knew everyone and thus knew what was going on in peoples lives. Many groceries were combination groceries and taverns.

     During the depression the grocery stores provided credit to its customers and many a family was able to survive and eventually pay off the bill.

    But, in the case of my grandfather, Alois Kinderman, that is not the case. He extended credit to so many people that he himself became too far extended and was not able to keep his store going. He ran Nigl's Grocery store at the  NW corner of 9th and Ohio Streets. He ran the store with a partner, Alois Kinatader. They bought the store from the Nigl family and retained the name. I don't know when they bought the store but they are listed in the 1928 city directory as already running the store. During this time they were charter members of the Ohio Street Civic Assoc. and created the annual children's parade in 1933, which is still being held today. By 1936 they were into other businesses. My grandfather had his own insurance agency and his ex-partner was running a tavern. I have in my possession an account book of customers and the amount of credit that was extended. In it are all the familiar names of the neighborhood. 

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Nigl's Grocery

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9th and Ohio 1940's My grandfather (Alois Kinderman) ran this store from the mid twenties to the mid thirties. Groceries in front, bar in back. Dan Radig
Nigl_grocery_delivery_truck.jpg (20901 bytes) Grocery Delivery Truck for Nigl's Grocery ? In collection of photo's from Mary Winkelbauer Kinderman Peter Kinderman

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5th and Knapp 1950's Restaurant.   Yes, Lunch for 25 cents Dan Radig
Berger's Grocery

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5th and Idaho 1940's In process of adding a basement and a second floor.  

Dan Radig


Reichenberger's Grocery

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6th and Knapp 1920's Operated from 1918 to 1978. Dan Radig
Reichenbergers_1940s.jpg (183599 bytes) 6th and Knapp 1940's   Dan Radig
Paulick's Grocery

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5th and Idaho 1970's "Wilma's"


Dan Radig
Ratchman's Grocery

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1022 11th St. 1930's George & Bernice Ratchman Dan Radig
Koeck's Stop and Go

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6th and Knapp


Koeck's Grocery and Restaurant

Dan Radig


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6th and Idaho   Sheeny (Herman) Steckbauer ran a grocery in the front and a bar in the back of the building. His wife was Mary Suda. Dan Radig
Fischer's 4th and Knapp      
Raab's 7th and Knapp      
Sebora's 5th and Ohio      
Biebel's 5th and Ohio      
Bloechl's 5th and Idaho   Meat Market  
Contact: Peter Kinderman
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