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Sacred Heart SHS3rdgradeclass1925.jpg (67306 bytes)

1st grade class 1925

SHS_5th_grade.jpg (69971 bytes)

5th grade class year unknown

  SHS1927classphoto.jpg (65639 bytes)

3rd grade class 1927 

SHSsolemncommuniongroupabt1930.jpg (148572 bytes)

solemn communion c. 1930

See photo for names

  SH_school.jpg (9129 bytes)(pk)

School building

SH4thgrade1917.jpg (54412 bytes)

4th grade class 1917.
Photo courtesy John Kraniak.

Copy of SHS_class_of_1932.jpg (156147 bytes)

This is the Class of 32.

Top Row - Left to Right
Mike Schneider - Victor Baier - Gertrude Beck - Elsie Troiber - Norman Spanbauer - Clifford Heidl - John Tomasko - Elizabeth Doehler - Marcella Stoegbauer - Francis Blau - Norman Mirkes - Herbert Poeschl - Andrew Kossel - Richard Blau
Second Row - Left to Right
Bernet Matsche - Cliff Werner - Genevieve Lemke - Josephine Putzer - George Kinderman - Dorothy Schuster - Ed Weisheipl - Alvin Schettle - Marie Hoffman - Tony Raab - Dorothy Yanko - Sylvia Bleckinger - Norman Beck - Ernst Schettle
Third Row - Left to Right
Nun - Harold Matsche - Marcella Ruland - Marcella Kloiber - Mary Binder - Carl Gutsmeidl - Archie Muguerauer - Joe Schettle - Margaret Schroeder - Gertrude Schuster - Jeanette Kleman - Agnes Kalous - Eleanor Reichenberger - Nun
Fourth Row - Left to Right
Lorraine Bloechl - Marian Womaski - Martha Raab - John Putzer - Clarence Golomb - Margaret Kinderman - Sister Julitta - Amelia Putzer - Eddie Kriha - Bobby Troiber - Florence Suda - Marie Troxell - Emma Hoffman
St. Vincent's stvincentsoriginalschool.jpg (110467 bytes)

Original school building, replaced in 1932.

Franklin (original) Razed. Now Stoegbauer Park. 
6th and Idaho.
Anyone have a picture?
South Park south_park_school_1908.jpg (16279 bytes)





Contact: Peter Kinderman
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