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Books that have contributed to this web site.
I own most of these, so if you need a lookup, just ask.


  • Sacred Heart Church Golden Jubilee; 1956.

  • Sacred Heart Church Parish Book; 1966. A history of Sacred Heart Church. Also lists members. 

  • Sacred Heart Church Diamond Jubilee book; 1981. 

  • Sacred Heart Church 1908 Financial Directory.

  • In This Century; 1998, Winnebago Sesquicentennial Committee.

  • Oshkosh Aflame; 1999, James I. Metz. All Oshkosh fires.

  • Green Mountain Quarterly #3; 1976, Lee Baxandall. Entire issue on woodworkers  strike.

  • Germans In Wisconsin; 1977, State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

  • A History of the City Of Oshkosh; Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4; Clarence "Inky" Jungwirth; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; self published.

  • Bloody Sixth Ward; Clarence "Inky" Jungwirth; 1991; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; self published.

  • The Oshkosh Woodworkers Strike of 1898: a Wisconsin community in crises. Virginia Glenn Crane. Oshkosh, WI, 1998

Some of the surnames mentioned in the book The Oshkosh Woodworkers Strike of 1898: A Wisconsin Community in Crisis, Virginia Glenn Crane, 1998:

Nigl, Mueller, Blechl, Drexler, Froehlich, Pable, Jungwirth, Winkelbauer, Peschl, Steckbauer, Nuestifter, Hoppe, Wenzel, Reifer, Gall, Krueger, Schmid, Walters, Wanke, Hando, Pomerening, Kutzendorf, Praxl, Dittmar, Kuchera, Detlaf, Theil, Benderling, Schroeder, Graf, Paulick, Raub, Phillips, Kuehn, Hollup, Weise, Hellvig, Stine, Klemz, Meinke, Worter, Lobenstein, Wesenberg, Henzel, Pechmann, Putzer, Wolf, Ripple, Oberhansl, Radke, Steinhilber, Zentner, Troiber.
  • Oshkosh, One Hundred Years a City; 1953; Castle-Pierce Printing Co., Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Oshkosh Centennial, Inc.

  • Land Rich Enough, An Illustrated History of Oshkosh and Winnebago County; 1988; Michael  J. Goc; Windsor Publications, Northridge, CA.

  • Celebrating a Century as the Genuine Article, The Story of Oshkosh B'Gosh, 1895-1995, James C. Naleid, 1995.

  • Border People: The Bohmisch in America; Ken Meter and Robert Paulson; 1993; Crossroads Resource Center, Minneapolis, MN.

  • German Bohemians: The Quiet Immigrants, La Vern Rippley and Robert Paulson; 1995.

  • The German-Americans, An Ethnic Experience, Willi Paul Adams, translated by LaVern J. Rippley and Eberhard Reichmann; Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana University.

  • Böhmen, Budweiser Kreis; Johann Gottfried Sommer; Prag, 1841. In German, it lists villages and gives descriptions of the area. Not owned.

  • Valley of the Shadow; Erich Anton Helfert; 1997. The story of one family's struggle during the expulsion of the Germans from Czechoslovakia. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  

  • 1900 Federal Census. Heritage Quest CD, T623-1824 and 1825. 

  • 1910 Federal Census. Heritage Quest CD, T624-1744.

  • 1920 Federal Census. Heritage Quest CD, T625-2023.

  • 1930 Federal Census.  Heritage Quest CD, T626-2620.

  • Czechs Immigration Passenger Lists; Leo Baca, Vol. V, VI, and VII. Passenger lists of Bohemians to America.

  • Czech Tourist Authority; several publications.

  • Czech Republic; 1999; Map #976; Michelin.

  • Czech and Slovak Republics, The Rough Guide; Rob Humphreys, 1998.

  • Map of Oshkosh, Wisconsin; abt. 1945; Map Corporation of America.

  • Map of Wisconsin; abt. 1955; Special Edition; Society of the Divine Savior, St. Nazianz, Wisconsin.    

  • Map: Mittlerer Bayerischer Wald, #196, Geografa.   Hiking map of Bavaria around Grafenau.

  • Czechs and Germans; Elisabeth Wiskemann; 1938 Not owned.

  • A Terrible Revenge, the Ethnic Cleansing of Sudeten Germans; Alfred-Maurice DeZayes; 1944. Not owned.

  • Bohemia under Hapsburg Misrule; Thomas Capek Not owned.

  • Nemesis at Potsdam; Alfred-Maurice DeZayas. Not owned.

  • They Came on Ships, Pictures and descriptions of ships. Not owned.

  • GERMANY, Euro-travel atlas, American Map.

  • Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs, Maureen Taylor, Betterway Books, 2000.

  • Discovering Your Germanic Ancestors, S. Chris Anderson and Ernest Thode, Betterway Books, 2000.

  • Chronik Der Pfarrkirche Und Friedhof Salnau. #36 Bundestreffen Der Ehemaligen Einwohner Der Pfarreien Salnau Und Schönau. 2000.

  • Chronik des Ortes Schönau, Gemeinde Hintring, Kreis Krummau/Prachatitz. 1965.

  • Auswanderung Aus Den Jungen Rodungsdörfern Des Passauer Abteilandes Nach Nordamerika Seit Mitte Des 19. Jahrhunderts. Friedmann Fegert, 2001

  • NEUOFEN am Plöckensteiner See, Chronik und Lebensgeschten der Gemeinde, Franz Schlager, 1986, updated 1993. Not owned.

  • A History of the Hapsburg Empire 1526-1918, Robert A Kann, 1974

  • Jizni Cechy, Josef a Marie Erhartovi, Olympia, Prague, 1975
    A souvenir picture book of South Bohemia.



Contact: Peter Kinderman
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