The village of interest in Hungary is Szidorfalva. It was a village in Eastern Hungary, or what was called Trans-Carpathian Ukraine, today it is in the Ukraine. Golomb, Bloechl, Spanbauer, Zernzack, are believed to have come from here. Originally they would have been from Bohemia. Many Germans were encouraged to
move to sparsely settled areas of the Austro-Hungarian empire and create
new villages and farms. go down to Trans-Carpathian region and then Central area. I have done very little research into this area. If you have any information you would like to share please contact me. Thank you
This from Bob Ziemba 07 December 2003 KRIZ Family While going through my notes, I ran across this information from Mary Jane Tauber about her grandparents (Alois and Barbara (Bayer) Kriz). See attached Kriz file. Mary Jane also mentions the Zernzach family name, which is listed on the Highholder web site under Hungary. I did a little research on Szidorfalva and this is what I found. Szidorfalva was located in the former Hungarian County or District of Bereg. Szidorfalva [H] Hungarian spelling Hrabove [U] Ukrainian spelling Hrabovo [Ru] Rusyn spelling Hrabove (Szidorfalva) was located in the former Hungarian county or Galician district of BEREG Mukacevo is the present administrative subdivision Ukraine is the present country Hrabove (Szidorfalva) is located in. Hrabove (Szidorfalva) is located just north of Kovel. See map. POLLACK Family In a letter that I had received from Donna Jungwirth (Adrian Jungwirth’s wife), she wrote that Frank and Mary Pollack came from Salnau, Bohemia. That was just down the road from your family I do believe. Herman Stiller married Mary Pollack, the daughter of Frank and Mary Pollack. The Pollack family immigrated to Oshkosh about 1881.
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