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April 2004

Vol. 3 Issue 4

Interesting article on Wisconsin, Germans and the Law

Aliens and "Real Americans":
Law & Ethnic Assimilation in Wisconsin, 1846-1920


Just in time for opening day of baseball season:

THE BLACK CAT CLUB: 4 July 1939 

Back Row:

Len Nigl, Nubs Jungwirth, Louie Miller, Otto Jungwirth, ? Noe, Dussy Lemberger

Middle Row:

Joe Britz, Robert Kinderman, George Kinderman, Jim Kurtz, Mickey Kossel, Pete Pable, Harv Walters

Front Row:

Herb Jungwirth, John Demler, ?,  Jerry McEvoy, Harold Bahr, John Phillip, Harold Noe


Newspaper article 


The Youngsters of the Black Cat Athletic club defeated the Oldsters in a baseball game yesterday at South Park, 8-6, thus regaining the "little brown bottle," lost last Thanksgiving day when they were defeated in football.

The Youngsters started strong yesterday and built up a lead of 8-2 before the Oldsters turned on the heat with one run in the seventh and three more in the eighth. 

"Major" Matschi was on the mound for the Oldsters with "Corrigan" Kinderman catching, while the Youngsters had "Bunkie" Britz and "Bergen" Phillip. The box score:

Youngsters     0 1 1  3 0 3  0 0 0  --- 8  13  2
 Oldsters         0 1 0  0 0 1  1 3 0  --- 6   9   2




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University of Wisconsin Digital Collections


Wisconsin Pioneer Experience: A digital collection of original sources documenting 19th-century Wisconsin history.
Discover Wisconsin's pioneer voices through diaries, letters, and other personal narratives



Spanish Influenza Strikes the Oshkosh Community in 1918


Take the Wisconsin Trivia Quiz


I got 8 out of 10 correct. I missed which country singer is from Wisconsin and what fruit is grown in Northern Wisconsin.


Contact: Peter Kinderman
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