Brothers Hospital, corner Jackson and New York Ave.
One of the
famous welfare Institute in Oshkosh is the Alexian Hospital. The same was
established in the year 1884 and is managed by the Alexian Brothers. The
building lays in a beautiful place and has room for 100 patients and is
provided with all modern equipment. The medical treatment of the patients
have experienced reliable Doctors. The present head is Br. Bernard
Page 63
Officers of the first state meeting of the Youth
Club of
Bibl - Quarter Master-Committee
Kellermann Corresponding and Financial Secretary
Koblitz Treasurer
Jungwirth -protocol secretary
Pable - Fest President
Kritz -Vice President
Stutz- Chairman-Decoration Committee
Drexler-Chairman Welcome Committee
Drexler-Chairman Entertainment Committee
Schneider- Marshall
Reichenberger-Chairman Church Committee
Ostertag-Chairman -Printing Committee
Grabner- Chairman Finance Committee.
page 75
Herr Johann B. Reindl.
deserved for the St. Vincent's de Paul parish has made himself the Honorable Herr Reindl. The same came here as the church property was
going on auction, under his caution and willpower he made it possible to
make the bankruptcy turn away.
Honorable Herr was born 14 Feb 1826 in Hohenkemnat in Bavaria. After
he absolved his theological studies, he was ordained to the priesthood on 8
Dec 1860. In the year 1885 the Honorable Herr celebrated his silver
priest Jubilee under great participation in the
St. Vincent
church in Oshkosh. He gave the start to make , built the school bigger and
just in the middle of his work hit his farewell hour. His fate would take
him from his dear parish members. On 13 Dec. 1891 the bells of the
St. Vincent's church announce that the shepherd suddenly must leave on a call
of the almighty, with this destiny great sorrow befell the hearts of the
parish children, and the same was from all in high grade
Page 31
Reverent A. Wibbert.
Rev. A.
Wibbert the present Parson of the St. Vincent' s parish was born In
Stadtlohn, Westphalia in the year 1844. After he finished his classic
studies at the Gymnasia in Munster, Westphalia, he immigrated to America.
His philosophic and theological studies he made in Cincinnati, Ohio and
Montreal, Canada. He was ordained to priesthood on 16 April 1876 in Leavenworth, Kansas.
His first
place as priest was Selina, Kansas.
In the
year 1881 the Rev. Wibbert left Kansas and joined the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee. There he was in places of Dotyville, and Platteville, before he
was transferred to Oshkosh where he is now blessed performing.
In every catholic family belongs a catholic Newspaper.
Seek your relatives, friends, acquaintances as readers for
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Issued since 1872 every Thursday in Milwaukee, Wi. Price
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Free examples of the newspaper will be delivered on demand
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Page 17
The honorable
Mr. Bishop Jakobus Schwebach,
Was born
15 August 1847 in Vethorn. Great Dukedom of Luxemburg.
Mr. Bishop T.L. Grace
On 16 June
1870 in St. Paul, MN.
he was ordained
as priest.
On 25 Feb.
1892 in La Crosse, Wi. from
Honorable Mr. Archbishop
Jr. X.
Katzer he was appointed as Bishop of
La Crosse.
Page 9.
honorable Mr. Bishop Sebastian G. Messmer
Was born
29 August 1847 in Goldach,
Canton, St.
Gallen, Switzerland.
On 23 July
1871 in Innsbruck, Austria
From the Honorable Mr. Bishop Zuber
Vicar he was ordained.
On 27
March 1892 from the
Mr. Bishop Otto
of Newark, NJ. he was appointed
as Bishop
of Green Bay.
Page 7.
Johannes Evangelist- Parish.
The St.
Johannes Parish in Oshkosh is a branch parish of the St. Vincent Parish.
In the Year 1893 the English speaking Catholic's, which were
to this date members of the St. Vincent Parish, established their own parish. The
first Rector of this young parish was the Reverent Morrissey. He made for
4 years separate mass for the members of the St. Johannes Parish in the St.
Vincent church. Then was the present church built and blessed in the year
of 1897. The church covers an area of
92' x 66' and
provides for 400 persons seating space. The height is 80 feet. The church
was built approximately at a cost of $ 9000.
St. Johannes parish has at present about 100 families.
Page 27
James Club # 509 of the Catholic Foresters.
Club of the foresters, is by far the most blessed in the city of
has more than 120 members and in the financial situation stands
on solid ground. The club was established in the year 1895 with 18 members. The present Officers
are: E. R., Franz Victoris;
B.E.R. Heinrich A. Henkel; P.E.R. Michael Duggan; Treasurer, Dr. H.L.
Bender; Finance Secretary, Johann Brenan; Corresponding Secretary, John Kircher,
Jr.; Trustees: J.E. Donelly, Theo. Fenrich, F. Murray; Marshall's:
M.Unmuth, Leo Hauer; Watchmen:
John Leary, W.F.Webber.
-could translate to Controller