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August 2004

Vol. 3 Issue 8

Here are some items rescued from the flooded basement.


Memorial Funeral Book of Joseph Winkelbauer

Memorial Funeral Book of Theresa Winkelbauer

Requiescat in Pace

Born Austria, Dec 6, 1869

Passed away on May 1, 1938

Aged 69 years 4 months 24 days

Holy sacrifice of the mass Sacred Heart Church 

Celebrant: Rev. Michael Schmidt, Rev. H Scholten, Rev. George Schuster

Societies Attending: Christians Mothers Sodality

Rosary at the home led by:  Mrs. Johanna Miller

Burial: Sacred Heart Cemetery, Knapp Street Road

Then there are six pages of names and addresses of the attendees. 

In a separate booklet:

Automobile seating list

Funeral of Theresa Winkelbauer
Residence 1026 Ninth
Services at Sacred Heart
Date May 4, 1938 at 9 O'clock

Bert Phillip
Frank Stockinger
Max Schiessel
Wm. Schiessel
Jos. Heidl
Rud. Selwitschka

First Car
Drivers Name    Servas car
Max Scheissel
Wm. Scheissel
Bert Phillip
Jos. Heidl

 Drivers Name    Frank Winkelbauer
Mr and Mrs. A. Kinderman
Mrs. Frank Winkelbauer
George Kinderman

Drivers Name  Bob Kinderman
Jos. Winkelbauer
Ed. Winkelbauer
Leo Winkelbauer
Mrs. Leo Schneider

Drivers Name   Mrs. Francis Karow
Mr and Mrs. Lucas Stockinger

Drivers Name   Rud. Selwitschka
Gesella Selwitschka
Mrs. Agnes Wuest
Mr John Selwitschka

Drivers Name   Frank Stockinger
Mrs. Fran Stockinger
Mrs. Bertha Metko
Mrs. Frank Baier

Drivers Name   Alvis Ballard
Mrs. Alvis Ballard
Mrs. Small
Mrs. John Balda

Drivers Name   Mr. Jos. Stockinger
Mrs. Jos. Stockinger
Mrs. Adolf Lietl
Mrs. Ed. Hable

Drivers Name   Rud. Kriz
Mrs. Jos. Steckbauer
Mrs. A. Masolf
Mrs. Harry Ervas

Drivers Name   Fenzl
Mrs. Therese O'Laughlin
Mrs. Catherine Scheissel
Mrs. John Scheissel
Mrs. Engelbert Winkelbauer

Drivers Name   Geo. Ruedinger
Mrs. Mary Koller
Mrs. Ida Putzer
Mrs. Jos. Toschner

Drivers Name   Geo. Kinderman
Mrs. John Kinderman
Mrs. Jos. Miller
Mrs. Rose Andraschko
Mrs. Wm. Schmidt

Drivers Name   Jos. Klima
Mrs. Pauline Berger
Mrs. Jos. Frank
Mrs. John Berger

Drivers Name   Jos. Reichenberger
Mrs. Mary Schneider
Mrs. Theresa Herzog
Catherine Winkelbauer

Drivers Name   Bill Lemberger
Mrs. Clara Kloiber
Mrs. Geo. Suess

Drivers Name   John Lemberger
Mrs. Jos. Mauritz
Mrs. Seivert

Drivers Name   Louie Steckbauer
Mr. Felix Rhode
Mr. Jos. Scherer
Mr. Jos. Troiber

Drivers Name   Joe Miller
Mrs. Alberts
Mrs. Pommeraning

Drivers Name   Mr. Peterson
Mrs. Peterson

There is also a sympathy card from Mrs. L. Literski and Family and Louis Winkelbauer and John C. G????? offering 5 masses for the repose of the soul of Theresa Winklebauer at St. Agnes church in St. Paul. Minnesota. 

This is the first connection I have found that links the Winkelbauer family to St. Agnes church. I could not find them listed in a census for the church from 1887. This is the church that most of the German-Bohemians attended in St. Paul, MN.

Notice and program covering the gathering of Young Men's Society 

Monday Sept. 9, 1935

Music                        Berger Boys

Meeting called to order by chairman K. Spanbauer at 8pm and opened with prayer by Rev. Schmitz

Short talk by Joseph Stoegbauer on how this group of men started interest in the Young Men's Organization of this parish.

Talk by Rev. Schmitz to the boys.

Talk by Chairman K. Spanbauer covering outline of what the Men's Organization will do to help the Young Men to build up their Society.

Questions and Answers.

Business Meeting

Closing of meeting with prayer by Rev. Schmitz.


Entertainment          Music Berger Boys

Comedy Sketch      Joseph Stockinger and Max Weisheipl

Our Gang   Quartet

Distribution of attendance prizes.

 Music                Berger Bros.

Notice to Vacate

An eviction notice dated Sept. 5, 1922

By my grandmother Mrs. Mary Winkelbauer to Jim Beyer to vacate the premises at 1014 Ninth Street before Nov. 7, 1922 

It must have never been delivered since we still have the original copy. Now, this is a funny thing to save for 82 years.

Several newspaper clippings about the new Sacred Heart Church.

Oct. 1, 1938 Sacred Heart history to be placed in cornerstone

Included is a drawing of the new church

Oct. 3, 1938  Laying of new cornerstone

The vicinity of Sixth and Knapp streets was crowded with between 3,000 and 4,000 people Sunday afternoon for the rites connected with the laying of the cornerstone of the new edifice of Sacred Heart Catholic church. ...

Oct. 3, 1938

Bishop lays cornerstone for imposing new Oshkosh church

front page photo of The Rt. Rev. Paul Rhode, Bishop of Green Bay Diocese, is shown sealing the receptacle in the cornerstone of the new edifice of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, corner of Sixth and Knapp streets.

Sept. 30, 1939

Beautiful new church to be dedicated Sunday

photo of Sacred Heart Church from the SE corner of Sixth and Knapp streets.

Jan 10, 1943

Church dignitaries at Pontifical mass for deceased priest

Funeral services for Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Schmitz, pastor of Sacred Hear Church.

May 21, 1956

Solemn High Mass Marks Golden Jubilee

Sacred Heart 50 year anniversary 

Newspaper article listing the locations of fire alarm boxes.

Unknown year

The locations of boxes in the area are:

Ninth and Iowa
Sixth and Minnesota
Ohio and Seventeenth
Ohio and Sixth
Knapp and Sixth
Idaho and Fourth
Ohio and First
No. 6 Engine House
South Park School
Thirteenth and Michigan
Rugby and 11th

There are 83 locations listed 

Plus many others.

Contact: Peter Kinderman
See all the pages: Sitemap