October 2005
Vol. 4 Issue 10
2005 group picture

Standing, left to right- Ralph (Nigl) Schneider,
Vanessa (Nigl) Blink, Jeff Blink,
Tom Reischl, Chuck Nigl, Jeanne (Reischl ) Dunn, Joanie
(Fretschl,Kellermann) Reuss,
Mary D.( Nigl,Schraml), Lauri D. ( Bloechl,Weichseldorfer)
Kneeling, Carla Nigl, Sandy Nigl
Missing from picture: Michael, Ken and Peter
A trip into Bohemia or
Blue links will have 2005 pictures posted
Several of us decided to visit the festivities in Philippsreut on
Monday. We were Ken, Mary, Laurie, Michael and Peter. We heard that there was a special mass held in the church. We
arrived after the mass had started and could not get into the church since
it was too crowded. There was a tent set up for food and beer but nothing
was really happening and since it had started to rain we decided to leave
and cross
the border into Bohemia. It was a holiday so there was a lot of
traffic and the border was backed up. We decided to give up, Michael took off for Austria while the rest of us drove to the pedestrian crossing
at Haidmühle. We checked out the border and could see a train on
the other side. There is a paid parking lot on the German side but we
could see no reason to stay so we decided to get lunch
back at Bischofsreut. After lunch we tried for the car border at Strazny
again, this time with no problem. The border guards just waved us through.
Immediately across the border is where Landstrassen
used to be. Now all we could see was a clearing. We drove on and past
Strazny and then turned off on the road to Ceske Zleby. NB (the pictures I
posted on snapfish that say Stozec are actually Cesky Zleby) It is a
very pretty countryside with cows in the field but since it is in the
Sumava National Park there is little development. We stopped in Ceske
Zleby ( Bohmisch-Rohren) and took some pictures of the cemetery.
There is no longer a church and we think where the church used to be there
is now a new building that will cater to the hiking and biking tourist
crowd. We continued down the road to Stozec (Tusset) which is just a
couple of houses, what may have been a barracks for the communist military
border guards, a train station and a small hotel. We then went down the
road past a police academy (huh, what is that doing out here?) and drove
to the border with Germany opposite Haidmühle. We don't think we were
supposed to be driving in this area but nobody questioned us. At the
border is a museum in a few old railroad cars, a duty free cigarette and
liquor hut, and the border building. The village of Nuethal or Czech Nove
Udoli is here on maps but there is nothing here. No one was manning the border and we
would have driven back to Germany but the crossing gate was padlocked.
That would have been a shocker to the Germans walking over the border.
Available in the liquor hut were vodkas from Russia and U.S. cigarettes
and whiskey such as Jack Daniels. Very strange. The locals were buying out
the store. We drove back to Stozec
and continued out the other side of the village driving down some nicely
paved although narrow roads. These roads used to be the roads that
connected the villages that were removed after WW II. We had gone quite a long ways and never saw another car
just a few hikers and bikers. We went down a few roads like this until
another pickup truck was coming towards us. We got over but the truck
stayed in the middle of the road and made us stop before we hit into each
other. The doors opened and out stepped a couple of uniformed men. OH
OH. They approach. They ask Ken who is driving something
in German. He responds in German that he doesn't speak German, but he does. They ask
do you know that you are not supposed to be driving here, these are biking
and hiking paths. We say we must have missed the signs and
aren't aware that this is not a driving road. He
says a few more things and then returns to the truck. When he returns he
asks if we have any Czech Korunas. Ken just happens to have 200 Koruna
with him and offers them. The officer says is that all you have. He seems
very disappointed but takes what we have. The rest of us sit very quietly
and he never does ask us if we have any money nor does he ask if we have
any Euros. We all had Euros and certainly would have had enough to pay
whatever the fine was or more if he demanded. The current exchange rate is $1.00 US = 24.500
Krones. So it only cost about $8.00 to get what we ended up calling our
day pass to drive anywhere we want in the Czech Republic. We start to back up but the
officer waves for us to follow him. Now we think he may want to take us to
the station but he just wants us to turn around in a drive a few feet past
him. We turn around and he follows us out back to the road. After
this we also visited the villages of Zaton (Schattawa)
and Horni Vltavic (Obermoldau). Both are very
small villages with very little there. After these villages we headed back
to the border. We stopped in the village of Strazny
(Kuschwarda). Along the road here are many prostitutes. There is also a
flea market, run by North Koreans that were brought in as laborers during
the communist era, selling cheap goods. After this is the border and the
place were Landstrassen used to be. Mary wanted a picture of the clearing
and decided that a rock she saw was were the village used to be. We kidded
her about it and started pointing out every rock. Later when she returned
with some other people she was told that indeed the rock she saw was the
correct place. During the ride back to Germany we were laughing
about our little adventure and I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
Thanks Ken, Mary and Lauri for a fun time. |
Museumsdorf Bayerischerwald
An outdoor museum with 150 buildings
and over 60,000 items from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries
collected from the Bayerischwald. The buildings represent the
vernacular building styles. There are houses, barns, mills, a
church, bake ovens and all accessory buildings that were found on a
typical homestead. It was begun in 1971. It is a wonderful museum
and is definitely worth a visit. It is in the village of
Tittling. |
You can go inside the buildings and see
they were used over 100 years ago. You can really understand how the
buildings were used as houses and as stables under the same roof.
There are large collections of tools, wagons, furniture, household
goods, and other items of everyday life. There is also a large collection of
crucifixes and religious art. |
Building Collection |
Typical house interior |
Crucifix Collection |
House #22
Inhaus Vom Böhmlehen
aus Penzenstadl bei Hauzenberg
circa 1755 |
Pages with updates this month:
Philippsreut, Haidmuhle,
Schattawa, Obermoldau,
Kuschwarda, Landstrassen,
Bohmisch-Rohren, Bischofsreut,
Mauth, Nuethal.