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August 2003

Vol. 2 Issue 8


After translating the Youth Club program and seeing that the groups put on many plays as fundraisers I dug out copies of programs from 1908, 1910 and 1913. Thanks to Fred Schroeder for translating the German text. The descriptions of the plays and other information were in German, the ads were in English. Transcriptions follow: (words in parenthesis added)

German Theater Entertainment

Represented from the

Members of the Youth Clubs of the St. Vincent’s Parish

  In the St. Vincent’s School hall

Sunday of the 10. and 17. May, 1908

Cash Register opens, (admission tickets available) at 7 o’clock.  Start 8 o’clock.


Not loveable Confusions- Mistakes.  (mistake a person with another person).

Pleasure – delightful Play in one act.

Persons – (actors)

Fräulein – Miss Maria, Daughter of the House                                                         Anna Franzke

Sebastian Meier, Paper Fabricator                                                                                 Franz Eßlinger

Salomon Meier, Dealer, (Merchant)                                                                                  Johann Glaeser

Kunigunde Itzig ,Maid Servant                                                                                   Maria Pable

Postillion, ƒ Mail Carrier drives a stage couch (with a Trumpet)                               Harvy Kirsch

Place of Action: A little German City. 
Time of Action: in the year 1899.

German Theater Entertainment

 Represented from the members of the Reindl Clubs

To the best to the new church 

In the St. Vincent School Hall

Sunday and Monday the 2nd and 3rd February 1913  

Start 8:15

Nothing but Hindrances (trouble)


The Accidental October Trip.  (meet with an accident)

                        A delightful Pleasure Play in five acts.

Remigus Pechmayer, Privateer                                           Franz Kriz,

Nanni, his wife                                                                                 Therisia Prellwitz,

Lina, his maid servant                                                                   Josephine Katz,

Franz Haltauf, Nanni’s brother                                                      Alois Kindermann,

Bärbel, Neighbor of the Pechmayer                                      Theresia Kriz,

Grethel, Neighbor of the Pechmayer                                        Maria Mathe,

Radelheim, Tailor                                                                      Fred Ahrens,

Klopfstein, Shoemaker                                                                           Johann Baumgartner,

Fritz, his apprentice                                                                  Anton Pable,

Musarion, Student                                                                            Edmund Ostertag,

Rubino, Painter                                                                    Paul Sitter,

Grobschnauz, Expeditor                                                               Joseph Mathe,

Greifhuber, Policeman                                                                    Harvey Kirsch,

Plempelmann, Wirth – ƒ Innkeeper                                          Joseph Blau,

Minna, Wirthin – ƒ Innkeeperin                                                Anna Franzke

Place of Action: W---, a City in Bavaria.

Time of Action: 29 September till 1October 1905

Between the Acts: Orchestra  (ƒ Music)..


“The ProzessHansl” *

A Folk   ƒ(country) Piece in four Acts  


Reindl Club

Presented in the St. Vincent School Hall

Monday and Tuesday, 23rd and 24th May 1910


The old Stiglbauer                                                   Josef Blau  

His children

Franz  …..                                                              Anton Pable

**Resl                                                                 Marie Pable

Andreas Lahndorfer                                                 George J.Eigner

Burgel, his daughter                                                          Theresia Drexler  

domestic servants

***  Kathl,…..                                                                   Elisabeth Nigl

**** Urschl,…                                                                  Rosa Kindermann       

Simerl,…….                                                             Jacob Jungwirth

Lenz………                                                               Josef Robel

The Weber (Weaver) Sepp ♦                                   Ludwig Miller

The Boten (messenger) Lisl, ♦♦                              Marie E. Samer

Toni, her son                                                      Alois Kindermann

The Innkeeperin                                                      Marie Bauer

Zenzel, ♦♦♦ her daughter                                          Anna Mathe

Schlaucherl, Municipality Servant                            Alois Mauritz

Gidi                                                                       Jordan Reischl  


Derber ƒ (blunt,rough) Jackel  ƒ (slang for Jacob)                Josef Robel


Neumayer Steffl ƒ (Stefan)                                          Jordan Reischel

Music  and Songs under the direction of  Miss K. Hubertus

* Prozess Hansl =Prozess ƒ Court case, Lawsuit, also ƒ saying make a short process.

 Hansl- (Johann ) ( John)– Hans- Hansi = (nice) small boy, Hansl = throw away name.

** Resl = Theresia. *** Kathl, = Katharina. **** Urschl, (a little put down name) ƒ Ursula.

♦ Sepp,= Joseph.. ♦♦ Lisl = Elisabeth. ♦♦♦ Zenzel, ƒ Credendizia, or similar name.



Websites of places in Southern Bohemia.

Thanks to Christian Borho for the information

I had the wrong name for Furstenhut:

Fürstenhut is today "Knízecí Plána"  the website is and 

Kaltenbach is today "Nove Hute"  the website is 

Tons of links from these pages.


Great  pictures added to the SPANBAUER website.

I like the picture of the women sitting on the logs floating in the river.

Contact: Peter Kinderman
See all the pages: Sitemap