The Northwestern, Oshkosh, WI, September 10, 1885
Horrible drowning accident in the river
One of the most horrible accidents ever recorded
in this city—Six persons drowned by the upsetting of a boat – four
girls and two men – five rescued from death -- full particulars –
names of the lost and saved.
Wednesday A. M. about fifteen minutes of six, a boat
being rowed across the Fox River at the point where the St. Paul railroad
bridge is located, was capsized, and six persons, at the lowest
calculation, lost their lives, while it is possible that others were
swallowed by the dark waters. The details of the harrowing accident as
learned from private interviews with eye witnesses of the calamity, from
persons who narrowly escaped with their lives, and from the parents and
relatives of the dead are substantially as follows: A party of young
people mostly girls and boys employed in the Diamond Match Company’s
works, came to the St. Paul railroad bridge and according to their usual
custom prepared to be ferried across the space of water left clear by the
draw being swung open. It appears that this was in accordance with the
usual plan, an arrangement having been made with the watch at the bridge
to row them across each morning for 15 cents each per week. The boat used is a large flat-bottomed rowboat, to all
appearances capable under ordinary circumstances of accommodating fifteen
or sixteen persons, and into this craft the entire party stepped with the
expectation of being quickly carried across to the other side of the
bridge. Statements to the number of persons who embarked in the boat
differ materially. Parties in the boat and those who were saved are of the
opinion that there were eleven or twelve people aboard, while others
assert that there were several more. However this may be, the start was
made just after the tug S. W. Hollister had passed through the draw, and
in the face of a heavy swell created by the boat, and for which she is
somewhat noted. It appears that after getting out where the full force of
the swell could be felt the boat rocked considerably and being so heavy
laden tipped uncomfortably close to the waters edge. At this some of the
girls became frightened and standing up made frantic motions, which still
further disturbed the equilibrium of the boat. The result was that most of
the party became badly frightened and cried out.
Others arose to their feet and as the boat tipped one way they all
crowded to the other side and the entire party was plunged into the
swiftly flowing and deep waters. At
this juncture those that were saved were so intent on getting out of the
water that they remember but little further than they could see their
companions struggling desperately in the water and could hear the most
heart rendering shrieks and cries for help. At the time of the accident
there were but a few people in the immediate vicinity of the bridge, but
alarmed by the cries people rushed to the scene from all directions and in
a very few minutes, the bridge and the approaches to it were crowded with
a perfect jam of pale faced anxious people. William Wolff who was in the
boat was able to swim, but he states the water was so cold he could hardly
withstand the effects while with a few strokes he reached the side of the
draw and was pulled out upon the timbers by one of the first men to
arrive. He quickly recovered, however, and aided in rescuing one of his
companions, a little girl who had floated close to the bridge. A young man
named Starbeck, who was one of the first on the scene, plunged into the
water in a heroic manner and with the aid of others rescued three girls
who were taken from the river in a half drowned condition and were hurried
to their homes. By this time it had become generally known that a terrible
accident had happened and men from the different mills soon put in an
appearance and at once set to work to drag the river with grappling hooks.
It was not long before their efforts were rewarded, and with groans and
sighs from the assembled crowd of spectators the body of Phillip Beery,
the night watch man at the bridge, a young man about eighteen years of age
and nephew of H. L. Bacon, agent for the Central Road, was drawn slowly to
the surface. By this time some five or six persons were engaged in
dragging the river, the lines being held by men standing on portions of
the bridge, the hooks being carried far out into the river by men in
boats. In the course of the next hour and a half one by one the remains of
one man and the bodies of four girls were drawn from their watery graves
and laid out side by side on a portion of the bridge, but still the sharp
hooks were carried out into the water and drawn slowly along again and
again, it being believed that there were others to be found. On the bridge
and shore hundreds of people had now assembled, who were engaged in
watching the operations and conversing in low tones. Every now and then
the sound of the low hum of the voices was broken by the cries and
lamentations of some heart broken parent, or brother or sister, whose sobs
and cries could be plainly heard as they wept over the body of some loved
one lost. Some of the parents fell upon the dead bodies of their children
and kissed, and caressed in such a loving sorrowful way that even strong
man who stood by bowed their heads in respect to the sorrow of the people,
while others, rough mannered though they were, were not ashamed to let it
be seen that their eyes filled with tears. A more sad site would be
difficult to picture than the scene presented as one by one the bodies
were borne to the shore on the shoulders of men to a hand car and were
quickly carried to desolate homes. As the grappling hooks continued to be
used one brought to the surface a shawl, which was quickly recognized by
many as belonging to a fellow workman, while another raised a vest, which
at once was recognized as the property of Phillip Beery. In one of the
pockets of the vest was a gold watch, which when opened was found to have
stopped exactly at 13 minutes of six. The search for more bodies continued
until a late hour, the results of the work being shown by the names of the
following persons who were discovered to have been drowned:
Johanna Matschi, Augusta Weise, Emma Bauer, Lena
Maidl, Phillip Beery, Louis Dichtl.
So far as could be learned, the following are the
names of those who were rescued:
Anna Hartwig, Tillie Otache, Louisa Morris, Amelia
Paulsen, William Wolff.
It was only with the most difficulty that the names
or anything concerning the victims could be learned as in the excitement
of the moment no one seemed to know the facts and many people interested
could speak no English. It seems that most of the people are employed in
the match factory, and with the exception of one man, Louis Dichtl, who
was employed in Radford Brothers mill, their ages ranged from 12 to 20,
two of the girls being quite young and two being in the neighborhood of 20
years each. In all instances the victims belonged to poor hard working
families living in the sixth ward, and by their labors assisted materially
in the support of not only themselves but also their parents. As soon as
the occurrence became known at the Diamond Match Works, the works were
shut down and all hands repaired to the river, and the works continued
idle throughout the day out of respect to the dead. The police were
quickly on hand and kept the bridge clear while the trains were passing
by, assisted in the work of dragging the river, and exercised general
supervision in order to prevent accidents and preserve order.
A more likely place for an accident could hardly have
been found in the river, as the water is between twenty and thirty feet
deep at the draw and the current is quite swift. The draw is about sixty
feet in width and of course is kept perfectly clear even close to the
bridge so that there was no opportunity for those in the middle to cling
to anything or to struggle into water where they could touch bottom and
not be entirely submerged.
The news of the accident, which was spread over the
city at an early hour, was the subject of discussion during the entire
day. Throughout the mills and among the laboring classes especially
nothing else was talked, and most of those drowned were well known, and
coming from that class of people, their deaths caused a severe shock.
Various strictures have been passed upon those who were managing the boat,
but it does not appear that anyone was particularly to blame, unless it be
the entire party who were foolhardy to venture out in the heavy swells in
a boat which was evidently overloaded for use in anything but perfectly
smooth water.
After the reaction of grief had set in the people to
look around for someone upon whom to place the blame of the accident. It
was asserted that the dead night watch rocked the boat on purpose to scare
the girls, but this statement was not supported by the testimony of those
who were in the boat at the time of the accident. Others considered that
the blame lay with A. Gore, the day watch of the bridge, who it is claimed
receives 20 cents per month for each person he carries across. The feeling
against him reached such a pitch at one time that threats were made
against his life and the man became convinced that if he didn’t make
himself scarce, bodily injury would be done him. The practice of carrying
people across in the same manner has been in vogue for the past five years
or more and no accident has occurred previous to the tragedy of today.
A short time ago the night watch, who was drowned
told a friend that he was bothered greatly by people who wanted to cross
the bridge. He stated that as the draw was hard for one man to manage,
especially when a high wind is prevailing, he often took the people over
in a boat rather than undertake the task of closing the bridge. Relatives
and friends of the victims of the accident claimed that the bridge tender
kept the bridge open on purpose so that they would be compelled to have
him ferry them across.
At one time it was reported about the city that as
many as twenty persons had been drowned.
A girl claiming to have witnessed the disaster now
says that when the row boat started the majority of the party were
standing up and were joking and fooling with one another.
The Inquest
Thursday at ten o’clock, the inquest over the
remains of the victims of the terrible drowning was held at the office of
Justice Rykman, and after the examination of all those who were saved
Wednesday, the watch at the bridge and several who assisted in rescuing
those who were saved, the proceedings terminated shortly after twelve
o’clock, the jury rendering the following verdict:
An inquisition taken at Oshkosh in the County of
Winnebago, on the 2nd day of Sept. 1885. before R.W. Rykman,
one of the Justices of the Peace of the said county, upon the view of the
bodies of Augusta Weise, Emma Bauer, Elenora Matchie, Lena Madle, Louis
Dichtl, and Phillemon Beery, these dead, by the jurors whose names are
here unto subscribed, who being duly sworn to enquire on behalf of this
state, when, in what manner, and by what means, the said deceased came to
their deaths by accidental drowning in the Fox River at the city of
Oshkosh, on the 2nd day of Sept. 1885. In testimony whereof the
said Justice of the Peace and the jurors of this inquest have hereunto set
their hands the day and date aforesaid.
R.W. Rykman, Frank Leach, N.C. Holmes, T.F. Hornick,
R. Ayres, Julius Martin, S. Ostertag.
The testimony of those who were saved was
substantially the same as the account of the drowning published last
evening, except that it was shown that the tug S. W. Hollister had passed
through the draw some ten minutes before the accident occurred and that
one boat had already been ferried across before the fatal trip was made.
It was also shown that a portion, if not all of the members of the party
were standing up when the start was made. The day watch at the bridge, Mr.
Gore, testified that he has been day watch for two years and that seven
years ago he was accustomed to being ferried across and used to pay 20
cents a week. Since he had been at the bridge he had been in the habit of
taking people over in the boat, but he received no stipulated price, some
paying him a little and some paying him nothing. In all he testified he
did not receive a dollar a month and did the work more as a matter of
convenience than for what money was in it. He had always understood that
people crossing the bridge did so at their own risk, but he had received
no orders from the company regarding the matter, excepting that the
section boss had told him to handle the bridge in whatever manner would be
the easiest for him. He had never known or heard of the bridge being kept
open so that people would have to patronize the ferry. During the season
when the tugboats were running a good deal, he often found the bridge open
at six in the morning when he went to work, but during the month he found
it open only once or twice. The boat, he said had been placed there by the
railroad company so that railroad men could cross over Sundays, as upon
every Sunday the bridge is left open most all the time. His description of
the boat was that it was a flat-bottomed boat about 18 feet long and three
feet broad at the bottom and was modeled with a square stern. He had seen
15 persons carried across the river in it, but he did not think it would
be safe for such a number excepting in perfectly smooth water. He
considered it dangerous for 11 or 12 people to start out when a swell was
rolling unless the boat was headed into the swell. He knew of no such
arrangement the night watch had for carrying people across in the boat,
but he considered that he was hardly competent to handle the boat, as he
had not been around the water a great while.
Another interesting witness was Otto Starback, who is
a hero in every sense of the word. Thursday he told in the most modest and
unassuming manner imaginable, a story which is worthy of being chronicled
in the list of the most heroic deeds. His plain narrative was as follows:
While approaching the bridge he heard the voices of the girls and thought
they were laughing, but when he reached the middle of the bridge he heard
the piteous cries for help. Starting on the run, he threw off his coat as
he passed along, and reaching the edge of the bridge, he quickly divested
himself of his shoes, and plunged into the water. His attention was first
attracted by a dress floating upon the surface, there being no heads
visible at that time. Pulling vigorously upon the dress, he brought to the
surface the body of a girl, who with utmost difficulty he prevented from
clinging to him and taking him to the bottom. Reaching the boat, which was
now bottom upwards, he caught hold of another girl who came to the
surface, and placed her in a safe position on top of the boat. He then
started for the bridge with the girl he first caught, and while on his way
he picked up two others and had them cling to himself and each other in
such a way that he was enabled to get all three where they were reached by
helping hands and drawn to a place of safety. By this time he was so
exhausted by the icy cold water that he came near going down himself and
had to be pulled from the river by men who were standing near. It was
evident from the testimony that had it not been for his bravery at the
first critical moment, two at least of the girls saved would have been
drowned. Otto Starback is a young German youth 18 years of age who works
in one of the mills of Radford Bros. He is dark complexioned, well built,
and is as prepossessing in his manners as he is modest in his account of
what he has done. The young man is deserving of the most liberal reward
and already there is talk of raising a purse for him. The girls especially
feel more grateful towards than words can tell, and their praises and
promises to remember him are a portion of the reward he has already
It has been learned that Augusta Weise, one of the
young ladies drowned, was about to be married and that she had her wedding
clothes all completed. It is said that the young man to whom she was
engaged is well nigh frantic with grief.
The funerals of Philomen Beery and Augusta Weise took
place Thursday afternoon.
The jury considered for some time the advisability of
making recommendations looking to the prevention of the recurrence of such
an accident, but finally decided not to do so.
A gentleman who was an early spectator at the
drowning accident last Wednesday, expresses the opinion that the great
mistake made was the failure to put forth any efforts to resuscitate the
people as soon as they were taken from the river. It is now asserted that
there was a possibility of having restored to life some of the first who
were raised to the surface, had the proper measures been put forth as soon
as possible. It is claimed that the first who were taken from the water
had not been in long enough to put rescue out of the question, and it is
even asserted that one of the victims breathed or gasped a little after
having been removed to the bridge. Several parties were anxious to have
measures taken to resuscitate the victims, but as no one felt competent to
commence or to direct the work nothing was done. Local doctors have
expressed the belief that the bodies had been in the water too long and
that life was extinct when they were taken out. There are instances on
record, however, where persons have been saved after being underwater for
a considerable length of time, and at any rate the bare possibility of
success should be sufficient to cause all efforts to be made. The sooner
the people understand what should be done in the case of drowning, and
learn to go about it at once, by so much will the chances of a rescue be
Last Friday the unusual sight of a quadruple funeral
was witnessed on the streets of the city by large numbers of people whose
attention was attracted by this sorrowful spectacle. The services were the
last rites over the remains of four of the young people who perished in
the terrible drowning accident of the 2nd and formed the last
act in the history of the most terrible calamity by which the city of
Oshkosh has ever been visited. Yesterday the remains of Phillemon Beery
and Augusta Weise were buried and today the remains of Louis Dichtl,
Elenora Matchie, Lena Madle and Emma Bauer were interred. The funeral
services were held in St. Vincent de Paul’s Catholic church, the south
side, and were attended by an immense number of people. The funeral
procession was headed by three hearses and a double seated carriage in
which was carried the remains of one of the youngest girls. Following came
a carriage filled with little girls dressed in white and carrying a
profusion of the most beautiful floral designs and bouquets. The
procession itself was one of the largest ever seen in the city and as it
passed through the streets hundreds of people gathered along the walks to
witness the carriages pass by, gave expression to words of sympathy and
sorrow. The funeral today presented to the public the most sorrowful
aspect of the tragedy and gave to the minds of many an only too vivid
realization of the sorrow and desolation the accident has caused.
NOTE: Johanna Matschi is
mentioned once as a drowning victim but Elenora Matschi is mentioned twice
later in the story. Further research will be necessary to determine the
correct name.
Anyone in Oshkosh want to volunteer to check the records at
Riverside Cemetery? |
St. Bonifacius Youth Club of Oshkosh, Wis. Page 77, 79
In the following an attempt is made very
short to describe the Club’s work of the St. Bonifacius Youth Club since
its origination. It does not lay in the nature of matter that speak from
important, fare carrying happenings . The efficacy of a club like this is
more a quiet, inside then outside, „ prevent suffering, carry
The history of this club reflects the
experience of the most clubs. Planted as tender little tree, it must have
made convulsive strenuous effort to make strong roots. Now but grown to a
strong tree can the club look back without fear to look against the storms
of the future.
Established was the Club on 10.June 1888
of that time zealous Assistant of the St. Vincent de Paul parish the
holiness Heinrich Blum, an put under the Guardian of the holy Bonifacius.
The first Officers were: President, John Schöttl; Vice President ,John
Polak; Secretari, J.J.Stadtmiller: Treasurer, John Koplitz.
During their time on Board a enthusiastic
decision was made to purchase a Club flag for $ 150. On 19. November of
the same year the holiness Leonhard Siepker
Took over the spiritual management of the
club. After as the Director of the club
Followed B.Siepker the holiness Joseph
Vaan Treek, which brought again more enthusiasm under the members. At the
Fest of Maria ƒ Reception- (pregnancy) 1889 was a new flag blessed by
which opportunity the holiness Director a very sense full educational
speech made to the members of the club.
On June of the year 1890 was the second
election of officers. Elected were:
Joseph Drexler, President; Wenzel Mottl,
Vice President; Matthias Fuchs, Secretary; A. Miller, treasurer; Marshall,
From the list of Club members we see
,that the club at that time counted 49 members.
Now comes the storm= and urge-impulse
=period of the club. After the meeting 14. December, the club dissolved.
In the mentioned meeting refused a few members to pay the fines. The
emotions heated up, and the result was, that the Club was carried into the
grave. For a long time existed no Youth club in the St. Vincent de Paul
About 3 years later on 10. September 1893
the first meeting was held of the new founded St. Bonifacius Youth =Support
Club in the St. Vincent school hall. The club was new established with 17
Like the name said , this club was not
only a club of youths in the sense of a simple words, also the club made
it for the purpose to support their sick members. The support was 3
Dollars per week. The re=organization of the club was mostly the effort of
the Reverent W.Brüker . The club holds this holiness Herr, because of
this in thank full remembrance. As Officers of this new established Club
were elected:
Joseph Drexler, President; F.Karst, Vice
President; 1. Secretary, M.Baier; 2. Secretary, F.Koplitz; Treasurer,
A.Miller; Marshall, F.Bibel.
Since now the Clubs cash was in low tide,
so it was decided to present theater pieces. It was a great success , so
right away risking a second one, title„ a famous right case” this was
performed much better as the previous. The clear proceeds were $ 130
Which sum helped the club very much.
In April of the next year the Club
suffered a tart loss, Reverent Brücker was re called from the holiness
Herr Archbishop of Oshkosh, and was transferred to another area. The Club
brought prove of his gratitude to the leaving Director in a form of a
honorable resolution vote of thanks. In June of the year 1895 again the
yearly Officers election was held. The previous officers did such a
remarkable job and trust and were reelected.
During this year a few changes were made
in the Constitution. So was for an example Article 15 Part 2 and 3
changed. In September of this year the spiritual management of the Club
were placed in the hands of Reverent Stehling. The Club had already
experiences in the performance of theater-games. Because on advise of the
spiritual Director was then in January 1896 a play, *
Der Hergott Schnitzer from Ammergau *performed.
(Hergott = God. Schnitzer = Carver.-someone who carves
this figures. Ammergau a town in Bavaria). The waiting of all (people)
was through the
shining performance still surpassed.
The Protocol from 8. March stated
that Article 18 Part 20
was amendiert ?-amended. The
delegates of the 5th State meeting were advised ,to the best of
the Youth Clubs following Resolution to present the State meeting: “ The
men clubs shall all youths which leave the Youth clubs to get married
admit free and without costs. “ The of the June 1896 again coming back
election brought the following results: Josef Drexler, President; Al.
Freitag, Vice President; F.Bibel, Secretary; J. Drexler, 2th Secretary;
F.Karst, Treasurer; M.Straus, Marshall.
The club made good progress. The
membership growth was steady . It prevailed a brotherly spirit. Every
member fulfilled true his duties. In the meeting held on 11. January 1897
? it was decided at the monthly meetings to connect small entertainment to
make the meetings more attractive and to have greater participation .
On a decision from a meeting held on 13.
June were other items –words added to article 18, Par.20: „ when
members through their business are prevented to attend any meetings during
the year, must pay 75 ¢ the all meetings are free. Like usually the
Officers election was held on June 1897. the results of the same were:
M. Bayer, President; O.Ostertag, Vice
President, F. Bibel, Secretary; J.Drexler, 2th Secretary; F.Kempinger,
Treasurer; M.Strauß, Marshall. Early October 0f this year Reverend
J.Schiltz took over the leadership of the club, but not long was the club
allowed to have the holy highness Herr as spiritual Director, then already
after 2 month was the same from holy highness Herr Archbishop transferred
to another place. Really we did not see unwillingly to let him go, that
the same in such a relative short time was very much liked under the
At the quarter yearly meeting in March
1898 was a price – bounty established which will be given to the one who
brings the most members to the club. This amount was later given to Mr.
Ostertag. At the same time (that time) falls also the revision of the
Constitution. So many changes, improvements were made during the time on
the Constitution, so it looked advisable t0 print new the laws and bylaws.
The club shared also the State unit of the D.RK.= ( ?German Red Cross)
support-assistance= and Youth Club of Appleton.
The time came also along for the yearly
Officers election.
On June 11,the following Herren were
elected: A.Böttcher, President; J.Pable, Vice President; G.Bork,Secretary;
J.Drexler, 2th Secretary; F.Kempinger, Treasurer.
On a constantly request of the club the
Reverent Stehling took over again the spiritual management of the club in
1898. Now started the blossom time of the club.
After to the inside and to the outside
the club enfolded in more active work.
The number of members went much higher
than expected. Not almost one meeting was held were a new member has
joined the club. Especially were Mr. M.Bayer, and
O. Ostertag which brought the club many
In Spring of the year 1899 was a
entertainment branch established. The plan found at the time enthusiastic
approval. But the eagerness for that matter became soon much slower,
partly because there were no fitting rooms available, partly , because the
experience teaches that the interest in a such matter slower and slower
only to a few.
In April Mr. F.Prellwiß past away
conscientious member of the club. This is the first death which the
records of the club are stating. In June1899was again Officers election.
The following Gentlemen were the favored: J. Bauer, President; R.Kritz,
Vice President; F.Pollak, Secretary; M.Bayer, second Secretary; F.Miller,
Treasure; E.Grabner, Marshall.
It were the earnings of the Youth Club to
make the first finances, to install a steam heating apparatus in the
school and Parson (Parish) house. It was namely decided of the club to
make an Excursion to Calumet Harbar and the net proceeds of that affair to
buy a steam apparatus. $ 121 were made by this Excursion and for this
purpose given to the treasurer of the parish. (municipality).
In the meeting of 11 September it was
decided , to pay in the future $4 per week
Through the Delegate F.Pollak the club
shared –attend the first meeting of the State –Unit of the Youth Clubs
of Wisconsin. Milwaukee was the meeting place.
In the year 1900 the following Officers
were elected: J.Pable, President; J.Reichenberger, Vice president; E.Bayer,
first secretary; F.Pollak, second Secretary; J.Stadler, Treasurer;
F.Drexler, Marshall.
In November of the year 1900 Mr. J.Mathe
passed away, a brave member of the club. E.Bayer the new elected Secretary
of the club left shortly after he took the this position ,the City.
J.J.Jungwirth was for his position appointed. In April of the year 1901
A.Böttcher one of the oldest bravest member of the club passed away.
At the District meeting of the youth
clubs in Racine the club attended with Delegates.
As Officers for the year 1901-1902 were
elected: President J.Pable, Vice President, R.Kritz, First Secretary,
J.Jungwirth; second Secretary, F.Kellermann; Treasurer, M.Ostertag;
Marshall, G.Schneider.
Herewith we close the history of this
club. At present the club is in a blossomed format. He is one of the
biggest Youth Clubs of Wisconsin. The club counted at present 105 members,
surely a represent able number. He started small but true united stick
together untiring diligent work has the undertaking crowned with success.
With entitled pride can the members look
back today 0f their club and all are always have their mind , interest, to
progress the club, and through rigorous propaganda to lead always more new
members to the club. Blossom further St. Bonifacius Youth Club; honor your
founders, your members to enjoy. Honor to God, for the welfare-salvation
of the members, spread and follow your password
God the Youths, God the Future.