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February 2005

Vol. 4 Issue 2

The Enterprise

Oshkosh, WI

Tuesday July 19, 1898


Joseph Baier meets with a frightful accident

Was blasting stone

Large piece of rock struck him in the face, causing instant death- Distressing scene at the residence of the unfortunate man-details of the accident

A frightful accident took place this morning at the stone quarry of Lutz Brothers, whereby one man lost his life. Joseph Baier, an employee of the works, was blasting stone, when a large piece of rock struck him in the head, tearing away the greater part of his face. He died instantly from the effects of the blow.

The story of the accident as told by the other employees of the quarry reveals a singular circumstance. The blast had been placed in the hole drilled for that purpose, and the electrical wires used to discharge the blast had been placed in position. In order to shield themselves from any possible stray piece of rock a shelter had been built by placing several large planks in the form of a shed leaning against one of the quarry wagons. The electrical key was placed behind the shelter, where the blast could be discharged without danger to the men. The wagon was about 200 feet from the blast and the men were apparently safe enough. The key was pressed and the charge of powder exploded. While it is not known exactly how it happened, it is believed that a piece of the rock struck a pile of dressed stone and glanced straight into the shelter, under which the men were lying. A piece of rock weighing about five pounds struck the unfortunate man in the head, tearing away his face. His skull was crushed and gore was scattered for several feet. When they picked him up he was dead.

The patrol wagon was called to the scene. Justice Sarau impaneled the following jury, which viewed the remains: Theodore Weck, A. C. Nolte, F. Leach, C. B. W. Ryckman, L. Luhm, and Eber Simpson. After viewing the remains they were taken to the undertaking establishment of William Spikes.

The dead man is survived by a wife and one son. His age is about fifty years. He had been in the employ of the Lutz Brothers for several years.

When the accident occurred the wife of the unfortunate man was attending a funeral at St. Vincent’s church on Oregon Street. The news of the tragedy spread quickly through the neighborhood where the man lived, on Ohio Street, but no one dared to break the news to the wife. When the funeral service was over she went to her home, and as she drew near, the little crowd waited with terror in their faces for the poor woman’s coming. When she learned that her husband was dead the grief stricken woman became hysterical. Frenzied shrieks rent the air, and the woman in the assemblage could not restrain the tears. When the wife of the dead reached her home she became delirious and her condition is considered dangerous.

The other employees at the quarry were Max Philip, J. Madl, and H. Schneider.

The Weekly Times


September 6, 1890


A little girl aged 2 is run over by a heavily loaded hand car on Sixth Street

Strange to say she was not killed outright, but can hardly survive her injuries.

An accident, whose details are very pathetic and sad, whereby a little child was injured most likely fatally, occurred Thursday at the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad crossing on Sixth Street.

The incident is thus described in the language of its mother, Mrs. Peter Postl, residing at 366 Sixth Street, just beyond the crossing: “At about 6 o’clock, “said she, “I was out on Sixth Street and had my baby in my arms. As I looked down the track I saw a handcar approaching at a rapid pace and I called to my little girl Theresa, the one who was hurt, and who was playing on the track, to come to me. She started to cross to where I was, but the men on the car called out whoa several times to her, and she stopped and turned to look at them. She had hardly done so, when a rail projecting from the forward end of the car struck her and knocked her down. She fell across one of the rails, and one of the wheels passed over her body.”

The woman insists upon this last statement and says that the car was nearly tipped over and came to a standstill and that the child was taken out from between the wheels. There were five men on the car at the time and some railroad iron and it seems almost impossible that a wheel of so heavily laden a vehicle could pass over a child’s body and not cut it in two. But Mrs. Postl is emphatic in her story and some of her neighbors corroborate it. She also is bitter in her denunciation of the railroad men who she says could have stopped before the child was hit. And she maintains further that the little one would have escaped without difficulty had the men not stopped her by hollowing whoa.

The railroad men could not be seen last evening, but it is probable that they could not stop the car and knowing this called out as they did to prevent the child from crossing the track.

A Times reporter who was driven to the place last evening, found the house and its inmates plunged in mourning as though the messenger of death had descended upon it. The child bruised and bleeding and suffering great pain, was an affecting sight. She is only 2 years old, Dr. Noyes, who attended her, stated that he could not ascertain fully the extent of her injuries until this morning, when it would develop how badly she was hurt internally. The child’s father, Peter Postl, works for Morgan & Brother.

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Contact: Peter Kinderman
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