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 September 2005

Vol. 4 Issue 9

300 Year Anniversary of Bischofsreut

What a great time that was had by all attending the festivities in Bischofsreut. The beer, the food, the parades, the beer, the visiting, the beer. It wasn't all beer, there was Blutwurz also. One thing I was disappointed with was that the bands played no polkas and there was no dancing. Strange. The Bavarian Forest area that we were in is very clean. The villages are tidy with no junk anywhere. I don't think I saw a car older than a few years, certainly no damaged cars. The pension I stayed at was a bargain also: 4 nights with breakfast and laundry service-- 59 Euros. I think I was the first American they ever had. The place was convenient being at the entrance to the festival on the main road, but then the village is so small everyplace was close. There was a little language barrier but we managed. 


Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
der Gemütlichkeit
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
der Gemütlichkeit.

eins, zwei, drei drink

turn on your speakers

Over the next few months I will give reports on new pictures of villages and sites seen on the trip. So stay tuned. Also trip reports by other attendees.


If any one wants to send me their pictures or write a trip report let me know.  Not all of us saw the same things or went to the same places.


310 Mauth Festival Schwein Oxen.JPG (56101 bytes)

Schweins haxen with sauerkraut, potato and bread from the festival at Mauth on real china with real silverware. There was no litter generated by eating or drinking, they trusted that you would not break or steal the dinnerware or beer glass. Ha, little do they know Americans because I do know that some beer steins were taken as souvenirs. 




I returned with over 35 pounds of new books:

The Chronic Of Bischofsreut, Norbert Madl

Bauernhäuser in Bayern: Niederbayern

Museumsdorf Bayerischer Wald


Alte Fuhrmanns-herrlichkeiten

Schee is gwen, owa hirt: Alte Bilder aus dem Bayerischen Wald

der Dreilanderberg: Paul Praxl

Bauernhäuser in Südböhmen

copy of The Chronic of Salnau, Parkfried and Oiberg, 1600-1983

7 new maps:

Kompass #2022: Bohmerwald Dreilandereck

Kompass #2024: Bohmerwald Stausee Lipno

Bruckmann: Bayerischer Wald and Bohmerwald

Allianz: Bayerischer Wald

Bayerisches Landesvermessungsamt: # UK 50-30 Naturpark Bayerischer Wald South

Grafenau Stadtplan

Philippsreut Ortsplan

and 10 pounds of  tourist brochures, pamphlets, postcards etc. 

also a beer stein, beer glass (but not from the festival), and many many more souvenirs. 

Discovering family connections



The link to see 228 of the 600 pictures I took on this trip. Big file be patient.

Here is a link to pictures from Bischofsreut by others: Mostly by Ingo.

Sorry the link wouldn't work after I posted the webpage. Send me an email and I will send a link if this link doesn't work. If the link works you want to look at both Germany 2005 and Germany 2005 by others.

 view my photos


 The places I went to include Frankfurt, Bad Homburg, Nurnberg, Munich, Bischofsreut, Leopoldsreut, Mauth, other small villages in Bavaria, a couple of places in Bohemia, Freilicht Museum: Finsterau, Bayerischwald Museumsdorf: Tittling, Passau, Enns, Melk, Vienna.



Crossing the border and trying to return to Germany



Wood Badge from Bischofsruet


Just like my grandmother used to make


Contact: Peter Kinderman
See all the pages: Sitemap