The Story of the St.
Joseph’s Club.
Page 45
A short survey over the
origination and establishment of the St. Joseph Club # 2 of the St.Vincent
parish in Oshkosh.
The first step to establish
a new Club was made by Mr. Franz Kollross, Herman Jungwirth, then joined
by Leonhard Reiter which made further inquires with the Reverent J.B.
Reindl, which favored this plan and supported and cheered them up in the
St.Vincent Parish a new Club to establish.
The first meeting was held
in July 1890, where the following men joined: Leonhard Reiter, Franz
Kollross, Herman Jungwirth, Joseph Egner, John Beck, John Friedl, Heinich
Schomer, Bernhard Montag, Franz Sippl, Joseph Kindermann, Jakob
Baumgartner, Simon Binder, Matthias Fuchs, Bernhard E. Montag. There after
started the origination and Baptism of the club, Mr. Heinrich Schomer
suggested that the club name should be named St. Joseph # 2, which found
applause, with the exception to receive the OK from the Reverent J.B.
Reindl, which he gladly did with joy. As Godfather functioned Mr. Anton
Bickel from Milwaukee with joyful words he spoke over the function and
working of a club, which earned great applause. There after a Committee
was appointed to set up a good Constitution and to present it to the club.
Total cash on hand on 20 July 1890 was $28 membership was 14 men.
In August 1890, the
Constitution was presented to the club and without rejection approved, if
also the Reverent J.B.Reindl will give the ok, which he gladly did. It was
decided that a few men should start a theater with good shows to earn
money for a club flag. Through donation from a few men and the money
earned from a few theater shows in short time the money was available for
a new club flag. On 19 April 1891 the flag was blessed, which had cost the
sum of $160.00. There after followed the first passing away of a member, Mr. Ernst
Lemberger, who was not yet entitled to receive death benefits,
but through a vote of the
membership the widow was paid a sum of $104.00.
widow was my great grandaunt Louisa Kindermann Lemberger Poeschl)
The meeting from 24 July
1891 the following Officers were elected. President Leonhard Reiter, Vice
President Heinrich Schomer; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner; Finance Secretary
Eugene Schunk; Protocol Secretary Ferdinand Putzer; Marshal Alois
Stoegbauer. Cash on hand 24 July 1891 was $45.89.
Since there was nothing
important, we will go a year further. At the meeting 17 July 1892 the
following officers were elected, President Lorenz Spanbauer; Vice
President John Miller; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner; Finance Secretary
Joseph Kindermann; Protocol Secretary George Hopher; Marshall John Schiesl.
Cash on hand $69.23. Through the successful effort of the officers the
club grew and was also very fortunate. In the yearly meeting of 16 July
1893 the following officers were elected,
President Heinrich Schomer;
Vice President Franz Vogl; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner; Finance Secretary
John Friedl; Protocol Secretary Edwin Fischer; Marshall Jakob Embs, in
this meeting a few points of the constitution were changed or made better.
Cash on hand 16 July 1893 was $565.98.
The officer’s election 15
July 1894 had the following results, President Heinrich Schomer; Vice
president Franz Vogl; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner; Finance Secretary John
Friedl; Protocol Secretary Joseph Kindermann; Marshall Franz Griedl. In
this meeting the Club joined the State Unit Formation. Cash on hand was
officers election from 18 July 1895 gave the following results, President
John Friedl; Vice President John Schiesl; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner;
Finance Secretary Joseph Kindermann; Protocol Secretary Alois Koelbl;
Marshall Rudolf Paulik. In this meeting the death benefits were raised,
from $10 to $25 for women passing away, and for men passing away from $50
to $75. Cash on hand $1,016.24.
In the
officers election from 20 July 1896 the following men were elected:
President John Friedl; Vice President John Schiesl; Treasurer Jakob
Baumgartner; Finance Secretary Alois Koelbl; Protocol Secretary Karl
Sammer; Marshall Leonhard Reiter. In this year we have to list the first
woman passing away. Paid to Mr. Jakob Baumgartner the sum of $88.00. Cash
on hand was $1,244.
In the
officers election from 17 July 1897 the following were elected: President
Johann Friedl; Vice President Joseph Kindermann; Tresurer Jakob
Baumgartner; Finance Secretary Alois Koelbl; Protocol Secretary Karl
Sammer; Marshall Leonhard Reiter. Cash on hand $1,470. 77
In the
officers election from 17 July 1898 the following were elected: President
Louis Koelbl; Vice President Franz Sippl; Treasurer Jakob Baumgartner;
Finance Secretary Joseph Kindermann; Protocol Secretary Rudolf Paulik;
Marshall Matthias Fuchs. We have to list 2 women passing away: paid to
Franz Bruehmueller $95.50, to Ignatz Stutz $95.50; to 48 members who were
participating in the woodworkers strike were given each $1, because the
club made big headway. Cash on hand was $1,767. 78.
In July 20
1899 the following Officers were elected: President Louis Koelbl; Vice
president Franz Sippl; Treasurer Andreas Regnery; Financial Secretary
Joseph Kindermann; Protocol Secretary Ferdinand Reichenberger; Marshall
John Bayer. In this year many members were taken into the club. Also again
we had 2 women passing away. To J.J. Nigl paid $113.00, and to Ferdinand
Reichenberger also paid $113.00. Cash on hand $2,060. 03.
At the
official election meeting 19 July 1900 the following Officicals were
elected: President Louis Koelbl; Vice President Franz Sippl; Treasury
Andreas Regnery; Finance Secretary Rudolf Paulik; Protocol Secretary
Joseph Matschi; Marshall John Bayer. We have to list 4 women passing away,
paid to Heinrich Schiesl, $119.50, Paid to Anton Raab, $119.50, paid to
Franz Jungwirth $123.00, paid to Alois Graf $123.00. Cash on hand was
At the
official election on 18 July 1901, the following officials were elected:
President Joseph Kindermann; Vice president Eduard Kessl; Tresurer Andreas
Regnery; Finance Secretary Rudolf Paulik; Protocol Secretary Joseph
Matschi; Marshall John Bayer,
We list 1
woman passing away. Paid to Michael Kulinske $122.50. Cash on Hand was $2
more than 11 years existence the St. Josephs Club # 2 is joyful in the
St.Vincent de Paul Parish, through his lucky past and hope for a
prosperous future.
membership today is 198 men and cash on hand is $2,550.
Dated on
20 January 1902.
Rudolf Paulik
and Financial Secretary.