German occupations you may
encounter of your ancestors.
Here is a translation of occupations
from the lists posted on the October Monthly Highholder. Translation by
Fred Schroeder. Thanks Fred.
Forst Arbeiter-
Worker, Laborer,-(Forst –ƒ wooded region.
Ober Heger, ƒOber –head-above.
Heger, comes from the word hegen,ƒ take care, cherish, foster, preserve.
It is a title in a line of profession in taking care of forests, wildlife
and related duties. This line starts: apprentice, Heger, Oberheger,
Förster,- ( Forester,) Oberförster,-( Headforester).
Hirschbergen had 3 Hegers and 1 Oberförster.
more information about the profession of
HEGER, or OBER HEGER. They were also called JÄGER - Hunter. They
were the workhorse of the forest. Overseeing the seeding growing
re-planting of the trees. Marking the trees which had to be cut down.
Stenciling the big long trees on the head with a number, logging the
number in a book - because from this number the woodcutters and wood
haulers were paid from. Marking trees for firewood for the local citizens.
Overseeing wildlife-shooting old animals - watching for poachers.
Arranging, Overseeing the flow of wood in the channel. And of course more.
Landwirt- ƒ Farmer.
Gastwirt- ƒ Innkeeper, sort of.
(In all areas of Germany there are Gasthouses, ƒ Guesthouses, or
Gasthof,-(which is bigger) it would be comparable like here the
Restaurants. The Gastwirt also is just
called the Wirt, is usually the owner or manager, or Renter of a Gasthause.
Säge werk – saw mill.
Ober Lehrer – head teacher. (Ober
explained above).
Tischler –cabinetmaker.
Ober forst verwaltung,- ƒ Head
Forest Office,-Bureau.
Wagner –Carriage, sled maker.
Schmied –Blacksmith
Zimmerer – old name for
Maschienen meister – machinist
Eisen bahn arbeiter –iron
road-path worker, railroad worker.
Zement waren erzeuger – Cement
merchandise manufacturer
Fleischauer – butcher, meat
prepare, meat cutter.
Maurer – mason, bricklayer.
Land wirt and Forst Arbeiter
worker. (Land Wirt-takes care of his land).
Holz schuh macher –wood shoe
Holz hauer – wood cutter.
Heger’s Witwe – Heger
explained above, Witwe – widow.
Kutscher- operator of a carriage
with a team of horses, transporting people, also as joke sometimes called
when they run off the road –bad kutschers.
Holz verlader- a worker who loads
wood to any type of wagons, vehicles.
arbeiten –working.
Pacht – renting land, the
payment for renting land or houses is also called Pacht.
Pacht Grund – rental ground,
Holz verladen – loading wood.
Brauerei Schwarzbach – brewery
Schwarzbach. (Schwarzbach is a Village in the local area.)
Bäcker- baker
Lager Halter – warehouse
Eisen Bahn – magazinneur,-ƒ
railroad storage keeper, managing little warehouse.
Verkäufer – seller, also sales
Kaufmann –merchant.
Holz Transport
l ? ladung – wood transport load, ? l ?land.
Forst ober Verwaltung –Oberforstverwaltung
is the same, explained above.
Kiosk – is a little sales
Händler –dealer. Arbeiter
–worker, laborer.
Schicherl –don’t know, could be
Forst Arbeiter –a forest
Tabak trafik – is a place where you can pay tobacco
products. In a Village at that time it was usually operated out of a
Eisenbahner – Railroad
clerk, generally all people working by the railroad where called that .
Müller – Miller, mill
Bürgermeister – Mayor of a
town or city.
Gem.-Bote. Gemeinde Bote
–messenger -someone who delivers a message
Gemeinde: Municipality, parish, community. |