MONTHLY HIGHHOLDER April 2005 Vol. 4 Issue 4 New Books just in from a German Bookseller
Archival Storage Here are three links to archival storage companies I have bought from. Be sure to compare prices because each one has the lowest cost on various items. www.lightimpressionsdirect.com
Free Magazines I am cleaning up the office and will give away back issues of genealogy magazines. I would rather share them than throw them away. All are only a couple of years old, since 2000. Email me a request and where to send them while they last. No choice on magazine. 2 per person. US addresses only. Four Generations of George Kinderman
The Weekly Times July 12, 1890 THEY WON'T GIVE UP The residents of the third and sixth wards still clamor for another bridge The proposition to rent the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul structure revived The residents of the Sixth ward are again agitating the question of building a bridge across the Fox, between the light street and Algoma Structures. Several petitions are being circulated among the employees of Paine's, Radford's and McMillan's factories, and one paper Tuesday, contained 300 names. Alderman Mulva, to whom the subject was broached, stated that the movement had become so formidable that the council would certainly have to take cognizance of it. He did not think though that the city was in any condition to build another bridge, for the Algoma bridge bonds and the proposed park bonds would be all that the city could comfortably take care of for some years to come. But he did think that the residents of the Sixth and Third wards were laboring under a hardship and that it ought to be removed if that were possible. A scheme which he thought would be feasible would be to rent the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad bridge, which the company does not use. If the consent of the corporation were obtained, the rental would be practically nothing and thus would be had a convenient and serviceable bridge for foot passengers.
Amazing that five years later the city is not taking the issue seriously considering that there was such a tragedy as reported below: Newspaper story: 1885 Drowning accident Land Sales July 12, 1890 The following deeds were filed Tuesday and Wednesday: August Streich to Frank Eppinger, lot on Eleventh Street, for $800. August Streich to Julius Steinhilber, lot on Eleventh Street in the sixth ward, for $850. Michael Bayer to August Erber, lot on Tenth Street in the Sixth ward, for $175. John Tomascho to August Streich, lot on Eleventh Street in the sixth ward, for $800. |
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