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February 2004

Vol. 3 Issue 2

1945 village name list for Mehregarten and Gansaurhaid

Forwarded by Elaine Blank

In the year 1721 Ferchenhaid is mentioned for the first time with the building of the hunters houses by the Prince Adam zu Schwarzenberg. 

Mehregarten originated in approximately 1750.

In the year 1791 Gansaurhaid originated. 

Mehregarten Gansaurhaid
House # Name House # Name
1 Tobisch, Eleonore 1 Stögbauer, Kantus
2 Gerhart, Ignaz 2 Tuma, Anton
3 Schraml, Wilhelm 3 Fritz, Herrman
4 Friedberger, Johann 4 Wolf, Johann
5 Pawlitschko, Anton 5 Friedberger, Johann
5a Pawlitschko, Franz 6 Friedberger, Ferdinand
6 Sager, Adolf 7 Friedberger, Johann
7 Fritz, Johann 8 Saiko, Alexander
8 Friedberger, Paul 9 Friedberger, Franz
9 Sippl, Marie    
10 Jasny, Franz    
11 Friedberger, Franz    
12 Höfler, Johann    
13 Haselberger, Emil    
14 Wolf, Karl    
15 Sellner, Franz    
16 Spannbauer, Wilhelm    
17 Jasny, Francizka    
18 Wolf, Alois    
19 Heinzl, Adolf    


spannbauer sawmill mehregarten.jpg (40458 bytes)

Spannbauer sawmill Mehregarten


Gazetteer for Bohemia with post card pictures on the site of researcher Felix Gundacker


Wallern 69 pictures

Hirschberg 5 pictures

Salnau 2 pictures

Kuschwarda 44 pictures

Eleonorenhain 43 pictures

Winterberg 129 pictures

plus many others





E-mail from Charles Nigl:

I read something interesting on the January Highholder Web page.
It said,"  Usually the oldest son inherited the farm from his father"
  From everything I have heard from Bischofsreut, it seems that the
Southern Bavaria tradition is that the youngest son gets the farm, it has been that way, in my family, the Nigls since we have been in the
Bischofsreut area.
  I know that this tradition seems contrary to everything we know about
Inheritance in the Western World, but in this area, it seems to have been the tradition, that the youngest son, and if no sons, the youngest daughter gets the farm.
   I think it had something to do with the large families, most of the older children, probably could not wait  until their parents had died, and had to make their own way, before that happened.
   It would be interesting to hear from other Highholders to see if this
tradition has been carried forward among other families.

Charles Nigl

Also, I have learned the following from Manfred Niegl, a distant cousin who lives in Regensberg Germany, ( he was born in Schattawa).

  Today in Bavaria, all laws have been codified to conform with the laws of the German state, therefore, Inheritance, with a will, the courts follow the legal will to the letter.

Without a will, all the children share equally, unless they agree otherwise.

    In Old Bavarian Law, it worked somewhat differently.  When the parents reached an age, when they could no longer work the farm. They would go to a Notary court official) and sign a document turning the farm over to one of the children. In the majority of cases this was the youngest child, ( exception, only one child) if the youngest child was not mature enough to work a farm, the farm went to the next youngest, and so forth.  All children of the family had to sign this document, or it would not be honored. It seems the most important factor, is that the farm remains within the Family, and is not broken up and sold off to make sure all siblings get a share.  It appears that much pressure would have been exerted by the parents to have their wishes respected, and that eventually all the children would sign the document.

  If the parents both died, and there was no Document on record, as to who would inherit the farm, the Court would make this determination.

PS,  When I look at my Family tree, it has always been the

youngest son, who inherited the Farm, this is in direct violation of

the law of Primogeniture ( eldest son inherits)

I would be interested in your thoughts on this matter.


My Name is Jim Lekovich and I grew up at 928 Bismarck Ave.  My family owned the house (my mother was born there) from the early 1900's until we sold it around 1998.  My mother was Eleanor Gams Lekovich who died in 1989. I attended kindergarten at South Park and then went to Sacred Heart through 8th grade. In the 60's I had the Oshkosh Daily Northwestern paper route on Bismarck, 5th and 6th street from Knapp Street to Morgan's. I enjoyed your pictures of the neighbor hood grocery stores and can remember stopping at Berger's, Paulick's and Sheeny's while pedaling papers. We lived a block from the Hi-Holder and I ate many 10 cent hamburgers and 5 cent fresh strawberry ice cream cones there.

In the 50's every Friday my Grandfather Rudolf Gams would give me a quarter and I would go to the Stadium bar for a bucket of beer, 10 cents to get a bag of cigar clippings at Reichenbergers, 10 cents for fresh pork rinds at Bloechels (across the street from Berger's) and then a nickel to get an ice cream cone at the High Holder.

I find you website very interesting and look forward to hearing from you.
Jim Lekovich jlekovich@hotwater.com

Contact: Peter Kinderman
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